Saturday, December 4, 2010

Prayers for the Unknown

I haven't updated here in a long while. With me, that usually means that things are going well, and they were. Mom was going through her maintenance chemo routine and aside from minor chemo side effects all was well. I was busy with homeschooling, working and being pregnant (I'm 37 weeks along now).

I just got a phone call from Mom, who is with Marilyn in California. She's been there for the past 2 1/2 weeks visiting and is due to come home on Wednesday the 8th.

This morning, Marilyn took her to the emergency room at an excellent nearby hospital. Mom was having pain in her stomach, kind of in the middle. She's had a hard time eating much, too, and has some bloating.

The hospital did some tests, including a CT scan. What they saw were nodules in her peritoneal cavity. They don't know the nature of the nodules and Mom has decided to wait for further testing until she gets home and has her appointment at Duke on the 10th, less than a week from now.

Please pray for Mom and for answers regarding what is going on with her. Also, this baby could be born any day now, so pray for our family, as there is really a lot up in the air right now. Thanks so much for all your support!

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