Thursday, January 13, 2011

Audio frm Eric -- So Neat!!

When Eric was visiting with Mom, Gramme and Grandpa at Duke Hospital, they recorded this on a book that Eric got for Will for Christmas. It's really neat to hear everyone's voices, especially Mom's. Will is going to love the book!

Link to Star Tribune Obituary

I've got the link to the Star Tribune obituary. It is the same as the one that ran in the Fargo Forum, except it includes memorial service information, too. If you're in the Twin Cities area today, pick up a paper, otherwise you can view it online here: Karen Johnson's Obituary

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Star Tribune Obituary

Mom's obituary will be running in the Star Tribune tomorrow, February 13th and will include info on the date/time of the memorial service. If you're in the Twin Cities, pick up a paper. You can also view the obituary online and I'll post a link as soon as I have it.

Mom's Memorial Service

We have a date! Mom's memorial service will be held on Saturday, February 26th, 2010 at 2:00 p.m. at Camphor Memorial United Methodist Church, 585 Fuller Avenue, Saint Paul, MN 55103-2246 - (651) 224-0341. We hope that you can join us in person or in spirit to celebrate the life of my Mom, Karen Johnson. She was such a special lady and this will truly be a home-going celebration to remember.

If you would like to be involved in Mom's memorial service somehow and are not already included, please call me at 704-706-7037 or send an email to

More information to follow on the date and time for Mom's Concord, NC memorial marker placement. We are still working out the details for that.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Obituary in Fargo Forum TODAY

I wanted to post this last night, but Blogger seemed to be having some technical issues and I couldn't make a post.

Mom's obituary is running in the Fargo Forum TODAY. Marilyn wrote a beautiful obituary that truly fits my Mom's life. So, if you're up that way today, pick up a paper or two. If you're viewing online only, here it is:

I'll also be running the obituary in the Star Tribute and Charlotte Observer at a later date. Right now I'm trying to nail down a memorial service date, so I'll run those after that's been set, likely later this week. I know everyone wants to have a date so they can plan, etc. I promise, I'm working on it! A little overwhelmed over here right now, but I really am making progress. ;-)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Mom on Her Birthday

I was going through my computer the other day, looking for stuff about Mom and I came across this video from her birthday this past year, August 21, 2010. I made her a cheesecake at her request (she loved it!) and our family enjoyed a nice relaxed day together, followed by dinner at the Flying Biscuit Cafe. I thought that many of you might enjoy seeing this video. I had totally forgotten that I'd taken it so I was very pleasantly surprised to find it!