Saturday, September 18, 2010

Busy Week!

I typed this whole post out and then Firefox crashed and I lost everything. Let's try this again.

This week has been so busy that I haven't had much chance to update. Here is a general rundown of the week:

Saturday the 11th: Mom and Marilyn return to Concord. Emily at Carmen!Carmen! in University trims up Mom's wigs and they look awesome.  Mom, Marilyn, Allen, Will and I go out to dinner at a favorite Mexican spot.

Sunday the 12th: Will has his first swimming lesson and loves it. I teach violin and love it. We spend some time with Marilyn in the evening and then Allen takes her to her hotel near the airport.

Monday the 13th: Marilyn flies out. I teach the first preschool cooking class at my place which is awesome. The kids and moms are all so wonderful. What a great group! Will and I go to the library to get the homeschool books for the week and then do his homeschool lessons. The theme for the week is "birth and babies"

Tuesday the 14th: Will watches the movie "Babies" and is absolutely thrilled. I have a midwife appointment that goes just great. Baby and I are doing beautifully!

Wednesday the 15th: Mom drives to Tai Chi, the first time she's been allowed to drive in weeks. She does great with it and is recovering well from everything she's been through. Allen, Will and I meet at IKEA for our weekly lunch.

Thursday the 16th: We go for my ultrasound and find out we are having a beautiful, healthy baby girl. Yay! She is named Lillian Agnes Kinsey. Allen's grandmother was named Lillian and Agnes is a name that my great aunt and great grandmother both had. I spent the rest of the day on the phone with relatives and friends, posting on the computer about the news, etc.

Friday: Mom, Will and I make the trek to Duke. Mom's blood draw looked great, had a good meeting with the doc and she had her maintenance infusion of Velcade. Will and I had lunch while Mom was in the infusion area and then drove home when she was done. It turns out that we don't  have to spend the weekend at Duke. Yay!

This has been one whirlwind of a week, but overall Mom is recovering beautifully. She was pretty tired at the beginning of the week but has been a bit more energetic as the week goes on. Her elbow was sore, but the doctor thinks it's just a vein thing that should get better with heat and time.

The past few days, I have been exhausted. Lily was so active on Wednesday and Thursday nights that I only got three or four hours of sleep. It was pretty hard to keep up my schedule without decent rest. The more pregnant I get, the more difficult the trip to Duke gets. Yesterday, I had all kinds of ligament pain, fatigue and general soreness. The lack of sleep combined with a massive belly growth spurt and having lots to do and it was a very difficult convergence. Last night, I looked in the mirror and could not believe how different my tummy looked from when I got up in the morning. It got huge!! Anyway, I felt like I needed to learn to walk again and then by last night I was beyond desperate for sleep. Thankfully, I was able to get almost eight hours of sleep last night and feel like a new woman today. My plan is to spend some time on the birth ball and go for a nice long walk to get used to the new way I have to move with this massive belly. LOL!

Tomorrow, we have Will's next swimming lesson and then I am meeting with my dear friend and doula, Patti, to talk about birthy stuff. This week is another busy one and then Friday we make the trek to Duke again for Mom's next Velcade dose.  Don't be surprised if I don't update the blog until next weekend again. I'd like to do so sooner, but with homeschooling in full swing and things settled down on the medical front, I'm not home very much at all.

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