Friday, August 27, 2010

In the Midst of Chemo

I talked with Mom a little over an hour ago and all is going well so far. She was a bit tired and out of it from the anti-nausea and anti-anxiety meds they are giving her, but seemed to be relaxed and doing well. She is still on the Cytoxan drip in her IV and should finish up with that sometime around 4:00 Eastern. The Cytoxan will also likely make her feel quite tired. She's never been on chemo without a steroid buffer before, so that will be new. So far, no nausea to speak of. Mom had some snacks and while I was on the phone with her, Indra brought her a grilled cheese sandwich. I'll be calling Mom to find out how she's doing and settling into her hotel room sometime between 5:00 and 5:30 Eastern. Since most people feel the brunt of their side effects 6 to 10 hours following treatment, I suspect we'll have a good idea how she's reacting to the Cytoxan sometime very late tonight.

On a funny note, Will must miss his Grandmama today because he walked into the kitchen, went to her empty spot at the table and said "Oh hi Will!," pretending that she was sitting right there. I thought it was so cute. Little kids have the best imaginations.

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