Thursday, January 6, 2011

Obituary in Fargo Forum TODAY

I wanted to post this last night, but Blogger seemed to be having some technical issues and I couldn't make a post.

Mom's obituary is running in the Fargo Forum TODAY. Marilyn wrote a beautiful obituary that truly fits my Mom's life. So, if you're up that way today, pick up a paper or two. If you're viewing online only, here it is:

I'll also be running the obituary in the Star Tribute and Charlotte Observer at a later date. Right now I'm trying to nail down a memorial service date, so I'll run those after that's been set, likely later this week. I know everyone wants to have a date so they can plan, etc. I promise, I'm working on it! A little overwhelmed over here right now, but I really am making progress. ;-)

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